GTI Energy has collaborated with Global Fortune 500 company Huayang to implement the innovative R-GAS™ process at one the largest chemical plants in Shanxi Province, China.
The project construction was completed in 2019, cold commissioning was completed in 2020, and the gasifier first-fire was achieved in April 2021. The project is currently on-hold pending commercial approval from Huayang to proceed with 8,000 hours of cumulative operation; this operation will validate the technology long-duration reliability, operability, and capital costs.
This project followed successful long-duration testing of high ash-fusion temperature feedstocks using GTI’s R-GAS gasifier technology at our pilot-scale facility in Des Plaines, IL. The R-GAS™ technology has been successfully operated at pilot-scale (18 tons per day) on a diverse range of carbonaceous feedstocks—all with excellent test results.
The innovative technology can gasify the types of feedstocks predominant in China, which conventional gasification technologies have to date been unable to gasify due to its challenging properties. Testing validated the robustness of the R-GAS process, demonstrating the capability to achieve >99% carbon conversion even with this low-rank feedstock.
The gasifier footprint is about one-tenth the size of competing entrained flow technologies, and the compact size and advanced design features drive higher efficiency and lower cost. R-GAS consumes up to 30% less water and the higher efficiency results in lower overall emissions. The design enables rapid start-up and shut-down, feedstock flexibility—able to operate with a diverse range of carbonaceous feedstocks—and process optimization capability. It can be used for liquid fuels and chemicals production, as well as power generation.
Capital expenditure is estimated to be 15–25% lower than the most economically entrained flow technology.
Find out more about the R-GAS Gasification Technology. (2.7MB pdf)

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