CMR Digital Library

CMR White Papers
Climate Impacts of Fugitive Hydrogen Emissions
CMR Uncertainty Topic 1 – Introduction
CMR Uncertainty Topic 2 - Emission Factors
Case Study on New Mexico Methane Strategy – EMNRD Methane Waste Rule
National Methane Emission Intensity Currently Over 50% Lower than 1990 Levels
California Methane Super-Emitter Annual Quantification Uncertainty

CMR Video Resources
Introduction to Uncertainty in Methane Emissions - Part 1: What is uncertainty and why is it important?
Introduction to Uncertainty in Methane Emissions - Part 1: What is uncertainty and why is it important?
Unpacking the Climate Impact of Hydrogen
Differences Between Calculated and Actual Emissions
Calculated vs. Actual Methane Emissions Part 2 – Reconciling with Veritas

CMR Calculator
The focus of this calculator is to estimate methane emissions from distribution mains and services. The main purpose of the calculator is to demonstrate the wide differences in methods used to calculate methane emissions from these categories of assets.
The calculator presents four ways to estimate these emissions that include using just the base emission factors from the U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHGI) then applying average leak rates found in the GHGRP and GHGI to estimates of Total Equivalent Leaks (TEL).
If you have any questions, please contact us.