Development of ROTA-CAP™ Intensified Carbon Capture System
ROTA-CAP™ is a transformational intensified CO2 capture process, combining compact rotating packed bed (RPB) technology with advanced solvent technology. The advanced process represents a breakthrough in reducing the size, capital cost and operating expenditure for CO2 capture systems. The technology is suitable for power plant and industrial carbon capture applications, can achieve >95% capture for a wide range of flue gases, and can reduce CO2 capture costs by 30-50% compared to conventional process approaches.
The system was initially developed and tested extensively under simulated conditions at GTI Energy in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy NETL. GTI Energy built a skid-mounted carbon capture system which has been successfully operating for over 1,600 hours under various real flue gas conditions at the National Carbon Capture Center in Alabama, using solvent provided by Carbon Clean (UK).
A follow-on project to test a 3-tonne CO2 per day engineering-scale carbon capture system at United States Steel Corporation’s Edgar Thomson industrial iron and steel production facility in Braddock, Pennsylvania has been selected for award of DOE funding. This effort will demonstrate the readiness of this modular carbon capture technology and pave the way for broader deployment.
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