Digital Innovation

Convergence of Data Science and Energy

Digital solutions are critical to tackle both economic growth and deep decarbonization. Digital simulation platforms act as convergence point to integrate models, tools, and business operations.

The whole energy system needs to be considered—how we make, move, store, and use fuels and gases for clean energy transitions, and these systems are extremely complex.

There are multivariate issues and changing, dynamic parameters that need to be considered. Software automations and digital solutions are a tool to aid in reducing the complexity of systems-thinking and provide options for better solutions. We can simulate what happens before implementing, seeing how it affects not only the process itself but also organizations, people, and other interacting entities.

Today, we’re using digital solutions to improve things like field operations, record information in databases rather than on paper, and analyzing that information to understand how we can make improvements and maximize the use of our current infrastructure. We’re starting to explore AI applications and taking a more predictive approach to operations, at times even changing business processes to leverage more of those automations and predictivity. We’re also using new low-carbon energy sources that change the way in which we interact with our existing energy systems and meet demand of consumers. At times, energy consumers can also be localized producers when you consider solar energy and battery storage.

To get to 2030 and 2050 goals, we need to use tools that integrate disparate applications and demonstrate ways to optimize our decisions while these energy transitions occur.

Key Initiatives

two people sitting at desks in an office with computer monitors between them

Deploying Sensors to Detect and Locate Hydrogen Leaks Using Digital Twin Models

Emissions Quantification Toolbox

Supporting Analysis of Emissions Measurement Data with the Methane Emissions Toolbox

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Facilitating Greater Understanding of GNSS Geospatial Technology

Measuring Emissions

Proactively Protecting Pipeline Infrastructure with Digital Agents

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Applying Artificial Intelligence to Pipeline Operations and Maintenance

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Advancing Digital Technology to Maximize Hydrogen-fueled Transport for Long-haul Corridors

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