Unconventional Gas & Oil

Reducing the Risk, Production Costs, and Environmental Footprint of Unconventional Gas

Energy resources to produce clean fuels are available in plentiful supply, and technology is key in unlocking unconventional gas resource potential in an environmentally and economically sustainable way. As development occurs throughout the world, it opens up tremendous opportunities for energy security and reduced climate change risk.

GTI Energy is providing new tools, data, practices, and thought leadership to ensure the safe, economical, and responsible development of global shale gas.

Sub-surface Technologies for the Generation and Production of Low-carbon Hydrogen from Hydrocarbon Resources

GTI Energy is leading projects focused on sub-surface technologies that enable the integration of hydrogen into our energy system to minimize climate change impacts.

Key Initiatives

Delivering high-impact, value-added research and technical services

Developing an Integrated Thermoelectric System to Mitigate Methane Emissions Effectively

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Direct Contact Steam Generator (DCSG) for Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Produced Water

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Minimizing environmental impacts and increasing recovery rates with the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS) program

Success Stories

Commercialized Products

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