Test Site
The test site is operated by Anadarko Petroleum and will include eight new producing wells on the Thresher and Boxwood 55-1-12 leases. It features different depth, pressures, and permeability than the site of GTI’s first collaborative project, HFTS1–Midland. Each location requires specific techniques for optimal production based on local geologic complexity.

As of December 2018 five wells have been drilled but not completed, with remaining three to be drilled and completed by the end of the first quarter of 2019. All wells are slated to be completed in spring/summer 2019.
The eight wells penetrate 5 intervals of the Wolfcamp 2 (W2) formation including the Alpha and Upper Beta, High Middle Beta, Low Middle Beta, and Lower Beta intervals. The wells are spaced 700 feet apart (Absolute/Hypotenuse spacing), with roughly 660 horizontal and 200 vertical foot separation between wells.
A new vertical pilot well, which will also serve as an observation well, will be cored and logged, and its location has been determined. Location for a slant core well has also been identified, with the final well trajectory to be determined after drilling and completing all producing wells.
An overview of the well layout and selected diagnostic instrumentations is shown below.