OHI | In the News


By Zane McDonald | November 21, 2024

Imagine a future where hydrogen fuels our industries, homes and vehicles, offering a clean energy source free from greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite its promise, that future is not guaranteed.


By Brian Owens | November 13, 2024

As humanity works to slash greenhouse gas emissions and stem the pace of planetary warming, scientists, governments, and industry leaders are looking for low-carbon alternatives to fuel the future.


By Paul Ciampoli | August 27, 2024

The North American Energy Standards Board in August held its second industrywide meeting to develop a standardized contract for the sale and purchase of hydrogen.

The initial draft features several key elements, including provisions from the NAESB Certified Gas Addendum for certificate tracking and references to Energy Attribute Certification (EAC).


By Zane McDonald | July 18, 2024

The push to decarbonize global economies is gaining momentum, with hydrogen emerging as a key player for a lower carbon future. To bring this to fruition, the hydrogen market needs a solid foundation of trust and transparency in carbon intensity data.


By Emma Penrod | March 28, 2024

The Open Hydrogen Initiative has released the first iteration of its open-source toolkit for estimating the carbon intensity of hydrogen at the facility level.


By Christian Robles | March 25, 2024

A debate over how to measure emissions from “clean” hydrogen is expected to escalate Monday, as the Biden administration holds its first public hearing on proposed tax credit guidance for the fuel.


By Zane McDonald | March 8, 2024

With the comment period officially closed for the hydrogen production tax credit, known as 45V, all eyes are on the U.S. Treasury Department, which holds the pen on the finalized rules that will dictate how hydrogen producers qualify for the credit. Where the final rules land will dictate whether this tax credit serves as a catalyst to jump-start a nascent clean energy industry, or if it falls short of the promise of the Inflation Reduction Act.


By David Iaconangelo | October 4, 2023

Congress created a landmark suite of incentives in the past two years for companies that make hydrogen from natural gas — as long as they also deploy carbon capture to cut down on the resulting emissions.

“Blue” hydrogen, as it is known, is rarely made in the U.S. at present. But its future is expected to become clearer by the end of the year, as the Department of Energy awards the first billion-dollar subsidies for demonstration projects and the Treasury Department issues guidance for companies that want to claim new tax credits for low-carbon hydrogen production established in the Inflation Reduction Act.


By Velda Addison | March 29, 2023

It’s time to ditch the hydrogen color wheel, or rainbow, and focus on carbon intensity, according to an expert leading efforts to put industrywide protocols in place globally.


By Hope Raymond | January 11, 2023

With new funding in play for clean hydrogen production in the US after the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, blue hydrogen producers are eying third-party certified natural gas as a possible pathway to proving lifecycle emissions low enough to qualify for certain tax credits.


By Charlie Currie | December 13, 2022

The Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI) has welcomed new stakeholders, including Shell, and the Bill Gates-founded Breakthrough Energy to its cohort, as it seeks to develop carbon intensity assessment tools for hydrogen.

Launched in February this year (2022), by GTI Energy, S&P Global Commodity Insights, and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the OHI is a collaboration seeking to help unlock hydrogen’s potential as an important driver of energy transitions.


By David Iaconangelo | December 13, 2022

Many of the world’s largest energy companies and a Bill Gates-led group are joining an industry-led initiative to measure and map the emissions footprint of “clean” hydrogen, underscoring the financial stakes linked to the fuel’s climate profile.

The Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI) was convened earlier this year by the Gas Technology Institute, S&P Global Platts — which is now S&P Global Commodity Insights — and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) (Energywire, Feb. 17). Since then, the Inflation Reduction Act established the first-ever production tax credits for lower-carbon hydrogen, lifting expectations among investors and advocates of the fuel.


By Alan Neuhauser | December 13, 2022

Energy majors and electric utilities have joined an effort by S&P Global Commodity Insights and GTI Energy to set a single set of methods and procedures for measuring carbon intensity from hydrogen production.



By Gillian Tett | December 13, 2022

Take an industry coalition called the Open Hydrogen Initiative. This, as we earlier reported, was established by the ratings and analysis group S&P Global in early 2022, together with GTI Energy and the National Energy Technology Laboratory.



By Tik Root | March 17, 2022

“There is tremendous excitement around the globe,” said Paula Gant, senior vice president for strategy and innovation at GTI, an organization aiming to unlock the potential of natural gas and other energy resources. “The moment has arrived for hydrogen.” ...

There is an effort to move away from the color scheme for classifying hydrogen toward more specific measures of emissions.

“The carbon intensity is highly variable, even within the same technology,” said Zane McDonald, executive director of the recently launched Open Hydrogen Initiative, a collaboration among GTI, the Energy Department’s National Energy Technology Laboratory and S&P Global Platts. Policy decisions, McDonald argued, require more granular information, and the goal is to arrive at a more straightforward metric such as kilograms of carbon dioxide per kilogram of hydrogen.

“As the conversation around hydrogen matures,” he said, “we see a need for a greater level of transparency.”

Now another initiative is under way to help the market become more credible: S&P Global Platts, a provider for benchmark prices in the commodities and energy markets, is joining forces with other industry players to create a so-called Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI) — a platform to let investors and companies track carbon emissions from hydrogen.


By Gillian Tett, Kristen Talman, and Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson | February 21, 2022

The hydrogen market is red hot today, or so many opportunistic investors would say. However, like many nascent areas of finance, it has hitherto operated with considerable opacity. Last autumn, one of the first efforts to create more price transparency and consistency emerged: Deutsche Börse’s power and gas exchange EEX announced plans to launch a new price index in 2022.

Now another initiative is under way to help the market become more credible: S&P Global Platts, a provider for benchmark prices in the commodities and energy markets, is joining forces with other industry players to create a so-called Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI) — a platform to let investors and companies track carbon emissions from hydrogen.



By Staff Reports | February 19, 2022

MORGANTOWN — The National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown, GTI and S&P Global Platts have launched the Open Hydrogen Initiative. The collaboration will delve into the environmental impact of hydrogen production including carbon intensity in hyrdogen production.

“The potential for hydrogen to play a significant role as the global energy system transitions to a lower carbon intensity is vast,” Brian Anderson, director at the technology lab, said. “As hydrogen generation and use scales up, the market needs to adopt a consistent approach to the assessment of hydrogen’s greenhouse gas footprint that is agnostic to the different production technologies, modes of transportation and end-use sectors.”


By Naomi Klinge| February 18, 2022

The Gas Technology Institute (GTI), the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and S&P Global Platts have launched the Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI) to make the environmental impacts of hydrogen production more transparent.

The companies said there is a high degree of variability in hydrogen production when it comes to carbon intensity, even within the same ‘colours’ of production.


By Chemical Processing Staff | February 18, 2022

GTI, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and S&P Global Platts launch the Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI), a collaboration to further transparency into the environmental impact of hydrogen production and help unlock its full potential as an important driver of energy transitions. There is a high degree of variability in the carbon intensity of hydrogen production, even using the same technologies or pathways, according to GTI. Precise measurements of hydrogen’s carbon intensity at the production facility (also known as the asset level) are reportedly needed to more accurately reflect the environmental bona fides of a given kilogram of hydrogen produced and overcome the limitations of the “color-wheel” labeling model. An apples-to-apples comparison of hydrogen production carbon intensity would hold benefits for stakeholders throughout the value chain—producers, users, engineers, academia, market participants, investors and policymakers, says GTI.


By David Iaconangelo | February 17, 2022

A Department of Energy laboratory, gas industry researchers and market analysts announced an initiative yesterday to create new standards defining and measuring how "clean" hydrogen production facilities are. The Open Hydrogen Initiative (OHI), led by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI), S&P Global Platts and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), is convening a wide range of voices on energy policy in the hopes of developing global metrics for calculating hydrogen's greenhouse gas emissions. ... The OHI's three conveners say they're aiming to attract a far more diverse group to shape how the initiative tracks carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions. Their group will seek to include environmental NGOs, academics and government officials as well as utilities, investors, and oil and gas majors, said GTI’s Zane McDonald. "There's such a wide palette of groups that could be interested in using this tool," he said. "That's really within the DNA of this initiative."



By Kellie Lunney and Zachary Sherwood| February 17, 2022

S&P Global Platts Seeks to Give Hydrogen a Scorecard: S&P Global Platts, the energy and commodities pricing service, has teamed up with a national lab and a nonprofit research group to create a tool for measuring the carbon intensity of different sources of hydrogen, showing the global-warming impact of each. The tool, a version of which could be ready in 18 months, won’t just look at how the hydrogen is made — whether it’s stripped from water or natural gas, and which energysource is used to power its production. Instead, it will evaluate individ ual hydrogen production plants, giving each facility a score it can show to customers and investors. Read more from David R Baker.



By David R. Baker | February 16, 2022

The hydrogen economy could soon get a scorecard, a way to measure just how climate-friendly the fuel really is. And the results could shape markets worldwide. S&P Global Platts, the energy and commodities pricing service, has teamed up with a national lab and a nonprofit research group to create a tool for measuring the carbon intensity of different sources of hydrogen, showing the global-warming impact of each. ... “We don’t need five standards globally — we need one that’s effective,” said Paula Gant, GTI’s senior vice president of strategy and innovation. ... The OHI Initiative aims for its work and its finished product to be open-sourced, so anyone can see how it works and trust the results. “We’re doing this with the world watching, and they can see under the hood,” Gant said.

Have questions about joining the Open Hydrogen Initiative?