• Increased perforation breakdown and fracturing efficiency
• Compatible with almost all completion types
• Increased capital efficiency
• Increased initial well rates, EUR and reserves
• Low-risk, low-cost, low-time implementation

GTI has a long history in unconventionals, including a key role in the development of hydraulic fracturing that subsequently unleashed the unconventional resource revolution in the U.S. Over the last 6 years, GTI has developed the patented PerfExtra® technology as a solution to directly address low perforation breakdown efficiency during hydraulic fracturing, an issue where there are few effective incumbent technologies. This technological enhancement is a low-risk, low-cost, low-time improvement that is compatible with most fracturing approaches in use today. Field results to-date have shown 15 – 25% improvements in the perforation opening of fracture stages, followed by sustained 15% higher initial rates relative to control wells for over a year after startup.
GTI is offering the technology under license, and if desired, direct support from GTI leveraging our know-how and proprietary software and analysis to ensure optimal implementation. With our implementation approach, we can predict performance improvements prior to well startup. GTI would be pleased to develop a program with you to drive higher performance from your unconventional assets.
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