Technical Services
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GTI Energy Testing Laboratories
The multidisciplinary experts at GTI Energy Testing Laboratories stand ready to serve as a world-class resource, leveraging the latest advances in analytical instrumentation. We provide a comprehensive menu of standardized and custom testing services—gas quality analysis, solid fuels analysis, plastic testing, and failure analysis—and provide customized support not available in typical commercial laboratories.
- View our analytical expertise brochure
- View our chemical and material analysis capabilities
- View our Analytical Sampling Techniques
- ASTM D8230 Siloxanes Sorbent Tube Sampling
- Cylinder Sampling with Pigtail
- Gilded Silica Sorbent Tubes for Mercury Analysis
- Gas Sampling Procedure for High Level Mercury
- Sampling Procedure: Liquid Sorbent for Organic Silicon
- Sampling Procedure: XAD and DNPH Sorbent Tubes
- Sampling Procedure: Tedlar Gas Sample Bags
- Trace-metals Sample Collection Procedure
Materials Analysis and Characterization Testing
Our laboratory, accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), is in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 on certificates 2139.01 and 2139-04. It specializes in performing ASTM and ISO tests, as well as customized analysis of metals, plastics, and composite materials for the natural gas, power generation, water and other industries. Scanning electron microscopy, infrared analysis, chemical analysis, compression and hardness measurements, and a full range of metallurgical and materials testing are among our broad range of capabilities.
Analytical Chemistry Services
For more than 40 years, GTI Energy has been providing a wide range of energy measurement services unavailable in most commercial laboratories. They are used by energy companies and others to characterize a variety of materials, ensure efficient operation of gas-measuring equipment, and help improve the quality of the products they sell. We provide complete laboratory services for natural gas, biogas/biomethane, renewable natural gas, coal, liquid fuels, and other materials for the natural gas and power generation industries. Work is performed in a laboratory accredited by A2LA in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 on certificates 2139.01 and 2139-04.
Microbially Influenced Corrosion Testing
GTI Energy offers a microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) testing service that directly detects and quantifies (without prior growth) corrosion-causing microorganisms typically found in pipes, production wells, and other equipment used by the natural gas, petroleum, chemical, water, produced water and wastewater industries.
GTI Energy Testing Laboratories is one of only a few laboratories in the world that offers DNA testing for corrosion-causing microbial populations and is the first U.S. lab to receive A2LA accreditation for microbial corrosion testing services. qPCR is a molecular biological method used to quantify the total number of microbial organisms responsible for microbial-influenced corrosion (MIC) from liquid, gas, and solid samples. Among the organisms targeted by GTI Energy’s qPCR testing are total bacteria, total archaea, sulfate-reducing bacteria, sulfate-reducing archaea, acid-producing bacteria (acetic and butyric acid producers), iron-oxidizing bacteria, denitrifying bacteria, and methanogens. GTI Energy also offers biodiversity analyses, live dead analysis, spore tests, sampling manifolds and more.
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Quality Assessments and Guidance Workshops
Along with our 50+ years of natural gas analysis background, GTI Energy has over 20 years of experience testing raw biogas and upgraded RNG from a diverse set of feedstocks. We have developed guidance documents that are available to help you understand the wide variety of constituents and typical levels found in raw and upgraded gas with a comparison to natural gas.
We can apply our extensive knowledge to develop a customized RNG Gas Quality Guidance Workshop to help you gain an understanding of supply stability, the impact of various constituents and their impact on pipeline integrity and end use applications, and other issues. GTI Energy can perform a quality assessment of your resources and provide insight to help you begin the process of integrating RNG in your infrastructure. Our gas analysis expertise goes beyond the routine determination of major and minor constituents as found in typical natural gas tariffs and can include all reasonably expected trace constituents based on the specific feedstock.
Commercial Kitchen Appliance Testing, Site Surveys, Facility Design, and Equipment Specification Guidance
GTII subsidiary Frontier Energy is a professional services firm with deep expertise in commercial kitchen energy efficiency and appliance performance testing.
Frontier Energy has extensive experience garnered from operating the Food Service Tech Center (FSTC), a fuel-neutral scientific testing facility, for the past 30+ years. Under the FSTC program, the team has developed over 40 standard test methods (STMs), impacted energy efficiency codes and standards, produced appliance reports and documentation, conducted training and education seminars, provided site surveys and audits, and supported customer management efforts for the commercial foodservice industry.
The team provides design consultations that help business owners, operators, specifiers, and consultants to design and specify equipment for maximum efficiency in foodservice establishments. They also offers comprehensive site audit services that examine the HVAC, refrigeration, kitchen equipment, lighting, and sanitation systems of commercial foodservice operations, culminating in a list of recommended actions to cut energy use and costs.
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Mobile Mapping and Field Data Collection Services
GTII spin-off LocusView Solutions provides advanced geospatial solutions and services customized for the natural gas industry. The company has intimate knowledge of the industry’s unique engineering, operational, and regulatory compliance needs and brings advanced commercial-scale mobile geospatial products and services to natural gas operators, leveraging technology developed with industry support.
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