Construction at STEP Demo San Antonio Site Progressing
STEP Demo customers from DOE along with the STEP Project team members from GTI Energy, SwRI, and GE recently attended a program review and toured the San Antonio facility site. Construction on the site is making great progress. When completed, it will be among the largest demonstration facilities for sCO2 technology in the world.

This first-of-a-kind pilot power plant will demonstrate a fully integrated functional electricity generating power plant using transformational sCO2-based power cycle technology with dramatically improved efficiencies, economics, and environmental performance. Industrial waste heat recovery is an attractive application as well.
The open project is welcoming new members from around the world.
Become a project partner
This open project is welcoming new partners from around the world. OEMs, engineering companies, and power plant owner/operators are invited to join to gain a better understanding of how sCO2 technology can improve high-efficiency power generation.

For more information, contact Markus Lesemann directly.