STEP Demo Groundbreaking Ceremony
On October 15, 2018, GTI Energy joined with Southwest Research Institute, GE Global Research, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL) to celebrate the groundbreaking of the $119 million first-of-its-kind 10MW Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (STEP) pilot plant known as STEP Demo. Turnout was strong, with nearly 100 people in attendance for the event.
Team members shared an overview of this exciting facility that will demonstrate the next generation of higher-efficiency, lower-cost electric power technology. It uses less fuel and consumes less water, and advanced configurations can enable near-zero emission power generation, adding to its strong environmental performance. Prominent North American and international company executives responded with great enthusiasm for this breakthrough option in future power generation.
Remarks by distinguished guests included:
- Luis Saenz, Chief of Staff, Texas Governor's Office
- Rolando Pablos, Texas Secretary of State
- Ron Nirenberg, Mayor of San Antonio
- U.S. Representative Will Hurd
- State Senator Jose Menendez
- Steve Winberg, Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy
- Adam Hamilton, President & CEO, SwRI
- David Carroll, President & CEO, GTI Energy
- Todd Wetzel, Power Business Program Manager, GE Global Research Center
There was tremendous support from the state. Congressional leaders spoke about the numerous benefits the pilot plant will bring to the great state of Texas. In addition to higher efficiency, reduced costs, and lower emissions, it offers enormous economic and environmental impact in a state that uses vast amounts of power. It bolsters San Antonio’s role as a technology leader, and will drive continued job creation in research, engineering and construction as well as enhanced research and education opportunities for the next generation of energy professionals.
Interest is peaking in this disruptive energy technology and exploring the various ways that supercritical CO2 can be used to more efficiently generate power.
Become a project partner
This open project is welcoming new partners from around the world. OEMs, engineering companies, and power plant owner/operators are invited to join to gain a better understanding of how sCO2 technology can improve high-efficiency power generation.

For more information, contact Markus Lesemann directly.