tcbiomass2021 Rescheduled for April 2022
July 14, 2021
Des Plaines, IL

tcbiomass2021—an international conference on thermochemical biomass conversion science—rescheduled for April 2022
GTI and the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) announce today that tcbiomass2021, originally slated for September 14–16 in Denver, Colorado, is being rescheduled for April 19–21, 2022 in Denver. tcbiomass focuses on the science of thermochemical conversion of biomass and municipal solid waste (MSW) to renewable gas (RNG), liquid fuels, and chemicals. This unique conference, with a theme of Achieving Net Zero Carbon Goals—The Role for Biomass, highlights the science of thermochemical conversion and real-world commercial opportunities.
“The tcbiomass Conference relies on broad and deep international participation to assure that the best and latest scientific and engineering progress in thermochemical conversion of biomass is included in the technical content and the professional networking. The decision to move the dates of this important conference to early spring of next year came after monitoring the travel impacts associated with COVID19,” said Vann Bush, conference tri-chair and GTI’s Vice President of Technology Development.
“Personal exchanges among peers build relationships to inspire and foster advances that are needed more than ever. Some of our international sponsors, speakers, and potential delegates have reached out to say their countries and/or companies have travel restrictions in place until the end of the year. We decided it was better for the conference and the attendees to move the event to next April.”
The conference will still be held at the historic Marriott Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, with a reception, tour of NREL’s campus and a dinner gala at the Denver Museum of Nature and Sciences all included in the agenda. In addition, there will be three days of plenary sessions, and more than 50 presentations and poster sessions, including a student poster challenge.
Kyriakos Maniatis, conference tri-chair and recently retired Principal Administrator in the Directorate General for Energy, European Commission (DG ENER), added, “This conference is respected around the globe and it is the participation of the international community that makes it unique and world-class. We look forward to spending time with our international participants in the spring.”
“I consider tcbiomass to be among the pre-eminent conferences of its kind in the world,” said Robert Baldwin, conference tri-chair and Principal Scientist, National Bioenergy Center, NREL. “We at NREL continue to look forward to co-hosting the event and inviting participants to tour NREL’s campus as part of the conference in the spring.”
The Call for Papers has been extended until December 15, 2021. Those who have already submitted abstracts will have the opportunity to update their submissions to assure they best represent the work they plan to present.
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available. For more information, visit the tcbiomass sponsorship page.
To register and take advantage of early-bird rates, visit the tcbiomass registration page.
A block of rooms with special conference rates has been secured at the Marriott’s Brown Palace hotel. For more information about the conference itself, visit the tcbiomass website.
About GTI Energy
GTI Energy is a leading research and training organization. Our trusted team works to scale impactful solutions that shape energy transitions by leveraging gases, liquids, infrastructure, and efficiency. We embrace systems thinking, open learning, and collaboration to develop, scale, and deploy the technologies needed for low-carbon, low-cost energy systems.
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