Onsite & Custom Training
Training a group of your employees at your facility or within a short distance away saves time and money and ensures consistency of information. Select any of our courses or full certificate programs—from one-day workshops to one- to two-week courses. We can tailor topics to your specific needs.
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Case Study: Northeast Gas Association (NGA) and National Grid's Implementation Success Story
To establish consistent intercompany business gas construction practices and training, Northeast Gas Association, National Grid, and GTI Energy worked together to establish a regional collaborative pilot program. This 5-day/40-hour instructor-led training was a comprehensive program with Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Field Skills at the core.
NGA took a regional approach to establishing the training framework, building off of National Grid’s vision to create an integrated, standardized approach to learning using state-of-the-art technology solutions. A quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) audit protocol was put in place to ensure content was delivered as required, students were fully engaged, and a good balance of classroom and hands-on experience was maintained.
GTI Energy created standardized content and provided proficient trainers to assist in delivering the learning experience as well as a "train the trainer" component to guide and ensure consistent delivery of the program by in-house company trainers. A Field Tablet performance support tool was developed for workers in the field, containing information on company-specific procedures, standard drawings, and data on regulations. Use of the Field Tablet was integrated into the learning experience to enable access to company-specific procedures and regulatory guidance materials.
The program was piloted in early 2014, with Feeney Brothers, a National Grid contractor, who embraced the process. The experience was well-received by all and confirmed that the newly-developed “back to basics” gas pipeline construction content was specific enough to ensure safety, quality and efficiency.
Going forward, a focus on continuous improvement will be maintained, and the regional use of an "intercompany" tablet environment will be explored. National Grid will work with all of their contractors to integrate the program as part of their qualification requirements.

Classroom & vILT Training
These scheduled courses offer in-depth presentations plus interactive exercises and team activities.
Online courses make learning convenient, and many offer continuing education units (CEUs).
Recorded Webinars
Expert presenters clearly explain and answer your questions. Past webinar recordings are available for download.
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