GTI Energy has been responsible for establishing training centers and educating gas personnel across the world for the past 7+ decades. Through the years, GTI Energy’s efforts have spanned creating a four-week training program in English and Spanish to developing a 15-course e-learning training program.
New courses are introduced to meet market demands. A series of 77 instructor-led modules were designed for field workers involved in natural gas construction, operations, and maintenance to help prepare them for safe, effective on-the-job performance.
A workforce development training program introduces participants to natural gas utility and pipeline operations careers and opens up new employment opportunities for them. Four weeks of blended classroom and hands-on sessions culminate with a graduation celebration and job fair.
Upcoming Training
- Fundamentals of In-line Inspection
- Innovative Training Technologies: Exploring Tools and Applications
- Fundamentals of Hydrogen
- Construction Oversight Fundamentals: Foundation Practices and Principles
- Gas Distribution Operations (New Jersey Natural Gas)
- Gas Distribution Engineering: Piping Systems & Materials (Winter Garden, FL)
- Gas Distribution Operations (Long Beach Utilities)
- ECDA/ICDA (Columbia Gas of Ohio)
New York City 7 Hour Gas Piping Inspector Qualification Course
The courses are beneficial when taken on their own, or courses can be combined for GTI Energy’s distinctive certificate programs.
Most instructor-led courses are scheduled annually in our classrooms in downtown Chicago and in other cities, but all are available for onsite training at your facility or a nearby site. Courses can be customized for your specific needs. We can also bring full certificate programs onsite.
Classroom & vILT Training
These scheduled courses offer in-depth presentations plus interactive exercises and team activities.
Onsite Training
We can tailor topics to your specific needs and ensure consistency of information.
Recorded Webinars
Expert presenters clearly explain and answer your questions. Past webinar recordings are available for download.
Online Training
Online courses make learning convenient, and many offer continuing education units (CEUs).
Military Discount
Military members make daily sacrifices to secure the freedom that many of us take for granted. As GTI Energy’s way of saying thank you; U.S Military personnel and Veterans may receive an additional 15 percent off of all GTI Energy Training. Please send a copy of your military or Retiree ID to and we’ll send you the discount code.
The GTI Energy Guarantee
We believe you’ll find our courses valuable and relevant, but if you’re not satisfied with any course, we will refund the registration fee.
Learn More
Contact the energy training experts today