Recorded Webinars

Update your knowledge and enhance your skills with GTI Energy’s virtual training options. Our expert instructors clearly explain the topics and answer your questions. We provide han​douts to help you take notes and serve as valuable resources after the training.

Recorded Webinars

Click a topic tab to view the live or recorded webinars for your area of interest.
Commercial & Industrial (Recorded)

The Natural Gas Industry—Wellhead to Burner Tip

Webinar Recording

Commercial Foodservice

Webinar Recording

High-Efficiency Gas Boilers

Webinar Recording

Natural Gas Vehicles: Technologies, Products, Markets

Webinar Recording

Beyond Furnaces and Water Heaters

Webinar Recording

Industrial Marketing - Steam Systems

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Gas Boilers

Webinar Recording

High-Efficiency Gas Water Heating

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Gas Water Heating

Webinar Recording

Market Savvy Concepts in Using Cogeneration to Build Gas Load

Webinar Recording

Key to the Energy Audit: Boiler Efficiency Measurement and Improvement

Webinar Recording

Today's Gas Furnaces: Functions, Operations, Efficiencies

Webinar Recording

Leveraging Vendor Controls: The Competitive Bid Process

Webinar Recording

Understanding the Critical Path

Webinar Recording

Ground Source Heat Pumps: Myth vs Reality

Webinar Recording
Transmission & Distribution (Recorded)

The Role of Hydrogen in a Decarbonized Future

Webinar Recording

Identify the Properties and Characteristics of Natural Gas

Webinar Recording

Squeeze Off a Pipeline

Webinar Recording

Cross Bore Best Practices

Webinar Recording

Implementation Status of ASTM F2897 for Distribution Tracking and Traceability

Webinar Recording
Liquefied Natural Gas (Recorded)

Introduction to Small-Scale LNG Recorded Webinar Series

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Small-Scale LNG: Session 1

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Small-Scale LNG: Session 2

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Small-Scale LNG: Session 3

Webinar Recording

Introduction to Small-Scale LNG: Session 4

Webinar Recording
GTI Energy Future Focused Brand Image 600px

A conversation series with thought leaders around ideas and trends shaping energy systems transitions

See topics and register

GTI TechTalk Webinar Series Logo 600px

Join us for 30-minute sessions on trends driving the evolution of energy markets and innovative technology solutions for low-carbon, low-cost energy.

See topics and register

Classroom & vILT Training

These scheduled courses offer in-depth presentations plus interactive exercises and team activities.


eLearning courses make learning convenient, and many offer continuing education units (CEUs).

Onsite Training

We can tailor topics to your specific needs and ensure consistency of information.

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Contact the energy training experts today