WELL Check: Collaboratively Reducing Emissions to Build a Competitive U.S. Energy Industry

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Well Emissions and Leakage Limitation Check (WELL Check) is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at addressing key methane emissions challenges faced by small oil and gas operators on wells and pipelines with production volumes between 15 and 40 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Led by GTI Energy, WELL Check is a coalition of academic and industry partners focused on safeguarding natural gas production and reducing product losses through operator-first, regionally-led leak mitigation trainings and technology deployments. WELL Check is funded through the Methane Emissions Reduction Program (U.S. Department of Energy FOA-3256).

Ensuring a More Resilient Energy Future

WELL Check will support entities with annual revenues under $40 million to ensure the long-term health of the natural gas industry. WELL Check will support approximately 22,500 wells nationwide, most located in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, West Virigina, Pennsylvania, and California. More than 80% of program funds will be directed toward leak mitigation efforts and workforce training activities.

A Comprehensive Approach to Implementation

Operators, service providers, and oil and gas trade associations will be involved in the effort from the onset, enabling a data-driven, regionally led strategy. WELL Check will take a multi-faceted approach to accelerate mitigation of methane emissions and improve operational efficiency, with three key objectives:

  1. Workforce Development & Best Practices: Operators will be trained in the latest methane leak detection and repair (LDAR) techniques, gaining insight into proven best practices for improving efficiency and reducing emissions.
  2. LDAR Program Implementation: The program will roll out LDAR technologies across participating sites, identifying and repairing leaks to reduce methane emissions at their source.
  3. Emissions Reduction Technologies: WELL Check will deploy commercially available technologies to retrofit equipment and address high-priority emissions sources.

Join Us!

This effort is a unique opportunity to contribute to reducing methane emissions, strengthening small operators, and boosting economic growth, while ensuring the long-term reliability of domestic energy production. WELL Check represents a critical step toward securing a more resilient energy future for America.

Complete this Interest Form to express interest and to join the project email list.


Contact wellcheck@gti.energy with questions or to receive additional information.

Strengthening Domestic Energy Production

Small operators are the backbone of U.S. oil and gas production, responsible for 91% of wells and a significant portion of domestic energy output. WELL Check helps small operators remain competitive by providing financial and technical assistance to implement proven technologies that reduce leaks, improve safety, and enhance operational efficiency.

Economic Growth and Job Creation

WELL Check is committed to driving economic growth in the regions where it operates, supporting the people that depend on these vital resources. By focusing on workforce training and developing leak detection and repair skills, the program is expected to create 1,200 high-quality jobs in rural areas.

This initiative will stimulate local economies, enhance safety, and support long-term energy production in the U.S. The broader economic benefits of the program will create a lasting positive impact, preserving jobs and advancing U.S. energy independence.

Collaboration Between Industry, Academia, and Government

WELL Check is a collaboration between GTI Energy, academic institutions, regional oil and gas associations, state agencies and interstate entities, non-governmental organizations, and technical advisors.

Major partners include:

  • GTI Energy
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • Permian Energy Development Laboratory
  • Marshall University
  • West Virginia University
  • The University of Oklahoma
  • Insight M