Collaborations & Partnerships

GTI Energy has more than two decades of experience creating platforms for collaboration to help customers de-risk experimentation with technologies or operational practices and learn from others. We convene partners with deep knowledge and experience to engineer disruptive innovations and then find the solutions they need to deploy and scale that innovation in the market. GTI Energy is proud to lead 10 collaboratives involving hundreds of key stakeholders across several sectors of the energy industry. These collaboratives offer a venue for utilities, technology developers, systems operators, and more to create meaningful impact by leveraging their investments in R&D.

CMR Logo Color

Provides centralized resources that enable the natural gas industry to understand the presence, measurement, and potential impacts of methane in the atmosphere, highlighting the interconnected role of natural gas production, delivery, and use.

GTI Energy Emerging Technology Program (ETP) logo

Enables utilities to meet energy efficiency goals with less risk and more certainty by accelerating the commercialization and adoption of energy efficient technologies.

GTI Energy HyRes (Hydrogen Emissions Research Consortium) logo

Builds a foundation of sound, science-based information on hydrogen emissions and their potential atmospheric and climate impacts.

Low Carbon Resources Initiative (LCRI) logo

Accelerates development, demonstration, and deployment of hydrogen and other low-carbon energy technologies and fuels at scale.

GTI Energy Net Zero Infrastructure Program (NZIP) logo

Tests and maps practical opportunities for integrating low-carbon solutions within the existing natural gas infrastructure to transition to a net-zero economy.


Advances transparency and credibility of measuring hydrogen’s carbon intensity to drive harmony in the marketplace and reduce carbon emissions.

Operations Technology Development (OTD) logo

Improves safety, reliability, and operational efficiency of gas systems through innovative R&D projects.

GTI Energy SUSTAIN H2 logo

Accelerates the deployment of safe and cost-effective long-term storage of hydrogen as a viable energy transition solution by combining scientific expertise, market insights, and field experience to address the issue.

Utilization Technology Development (UTD) logo

Maximizes the environmental performance, affordability, efficiency, and safety of end-use gas equipment and processes, and integration with renewable energy, through innovative R&D projects.

GTI Energy Veritas Methane Emissions Measurement and Verification Initiative logo

Enables countries and companies with methane reduction targets to report reductions in a consistent, transparent, and verifiable way to help reduce economy-wide global methane emissions.

Creating Impact through Strong Partnerships

GTI Energy has an extensive matrix of partners, investors and clients that encompasses more than 200 organizations. We have a proud legacy of successful projects developed in partnership with:


GTI Energy works closely with a number of organizations that figure prominently in the energy industry. Highlights include:

GTI Energy Public Interest Advisory Committee (PIAC)

PIAC provides guidance to GTI Energy through interaction with GTI Energy executive and senior staff on public interest issues and long-term trends that may potentially have impact on GTI Energy, the utility Industry, and the energy and natural gas consumer. PIAC is made up of public utility commissioners, consumer advocates, and environmental, economic, and university-based experts.

PIAC, February 2025

Public Utility Commissioner Membership

  • The Honorable Kristie Fiegen, Chair, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PIAC Chair)
  • The Honorable Jim Huston, Chair, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (PIAC Vice-Chair)
  • The Honorable Michael Caron, Commissioner, Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority
  • The Honorable Stephen DeFrank, Chair, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
  • The Honorable Gabriella Passidomo, Commissioner, Florida Public Service Commission
  • The Honorable Tricia Pridemore, Commissioner, Georgia Public Service Commission and President of NARUC
  • The Honorable Lawrence Friedeman, Commissioner, Ohio Public Utilities Commission
  • The Honorable Doug Scott, Chair, Illinois Commerce Commission
  • The Honorable Dr. Zenon Christodoulou, Commissioner, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
  • The Honorable Milt Doumit, Commissioner, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
  • The Honorable Katie Sieben, Chair, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission

Public Utility Commissioner Staff Membership

  • Mr. Andreas Thanos, Chair, Staff Subcommittee on Gas, NARUC, Policy Specialist, Gas Division, Department of Public Utilities, Massachusetts

Consumer Advocate Membership

  • Blaise Michna, Public Utilities Engineer II, Natural Gas Section, Public Staff – North Carolina Utilities Commission

Academic/Technical Membership

  • Dr. Carl Blumstein, Director, California Institute for Energy and Environment
  • Mr. Steven Nadel, Executive Director, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Economist Membership

  • Dr. Larry Blank, Professor of Economics & Associate Director of the Center for Public Utilities, New Mexico State University

Federal/State R&D Agency Membership

  • Mr. Christopher Freitas, Sr. Program Manager, Natural Gas Infrastructure R&D, U.S. Department of Energy

Environmental Membership

  • Ms. Shannon Angielski, President, Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition
  • Ms. Lisa Jacobson, President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)
  • Mr. Howard A. Learner, Executive Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center

Municipal Membership

  • Mr. Braxton Williams, Senior Vice President, Gas Division, Jackson Energy Authority/APGA

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